The Kerosene Hours “Romantic Fantastic”

Going insane in the house is a national issue that is tackled in the Kerosene Hours “Romantic Fantastic”. Misery loves company and “Romantic Fantastic” carries the message for missing being fantastic even though as a listener we picture fantastic New England cemeteries or late night desolate south western deserts and ghost towns. “Romantic Fantastic” could be the soundtrack for the Stephen King scene ‘all work and no play make Johnny a dull boy’ from the Shining. Check it out below!

ARTIST BIOGRAPHY / The Kerosene Hours definition

The Kerosene Hours are the hours between midnight and 4 a.m. A project by Aaron Silverstein primarily concerned with Los Angeles, dark and scary nights, bad dreams, cigarettes, mistakes, good intentions, fantasies, the road to Hell and apologies.

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